Let’s put our hands together and not close our eyes to flood victims, say volunteers.

The image of a baby floating in a kitchen bowl and older folks clinging to the branches of trees to escape floods has prompted a call to Oldhamers to “remember Bangladesh in their thoughts and prayers.”
Over four million people were affected by the recent devastating natural disaster with authorities unable to even estimate the death toll. 
All of which has inspired local businesspeople, senior figures, and political decision-makers to back a special fundraising meal on Wednesday 4 September (for full details, see close of release).
But while donations to the rescue and the rebuild, which will include the refurbishing of hospitals and schools, will be greatly appreciated, it is knowing that someone cares that will resonate most with the victims - says Greater Manchester’s Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Muzahid Khan. 
“Oldham has such a close bond with Bangladesh, built on the lively community here which has contributed so much to business, culture and local charities,” said Muzahid. “We hope that will be reciprocated at this time of a crisis which has made three million children vulnerable to diseases such as cholera and malaria. That kindness needn’t be about money. It can be about a spiritual plea to help those most in need.”
Muzahid, whose recently published biography The Gift of Giving begins with the depiction of his childhood in rural Bangladesh, continued: “Although the country has an emerging economy and should not be synonymous with disaster, there are still those who live hand-to-mouth. If they don’t make their daily quota, they don’t eat. There is still an important agricultural economy too, and farmers have literally seen their livestock washed away.”
British-Bangladeshi foundations including Amal, businesses including engineering company Rowan Ashworth and local politicians have been amongst those to sponsor tables at the Eastern Pavilion event.
Another contributor is Oldham based Upturn, a social enterprise working with some of the most disadvantaged people in our borough. Managing Director Anwar Ali OBE said: “The cost-of-living crisis has made a massive impact on life in Britain, but it is my experience that those struggling most still open their hearts to others in need. That kindness, so often demonstrated by Oldhamers, is outstanding and even if it is in the form of a prayer or a moment of thought I am sure it will be warmly appreciated. Particularly by a country so intrinsically linked to our borough.”    
The Bangladesh Flood Appeal meal takes place, at: 
The Eastern Pavilion
Featherstall Road South
Wednesday 4 September
6 30pm

To donate to Anwar Ali’s Bangladesh Flood Appeal, visit  https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/anwar-ali?utm_term=GYJaB6mww 
