We believe that we are at our best when we work with people in partnership, taking time and making space to create fair and lasting results. We meet extraordinary people all the time and we know that the right kind of help unleashes amazing talents and commitment.
People Services
Everything that we do starts and ends with the communities we serve. We believe that creating safe spaces in which communities can come together to share their views, opinions and ideas, pays dividends
Community Services
We have the resources in place to support and guide entrepreneurs through all key stages - idea, setup, start up, ways to grow. We work with established businesses to help them rebalance strategies so that they find and recruit the skills and talent needed, strengthen local community ties.
What follows are snapshots of:
If you like what you see and would like to know more, or to contribute, we would be delighted to hear from you. You may have ideas, resources and expertise that you would like to share.
We believe that for good and lasting results we are always at our best when we work in partnership, taking time and making space together to solve the seemingly impossible.
The Ambition for Ageing Project in Salford engaged with carers over 50, to understand the challenges and barriers this group of people face and help them to fulfil their potential, whatever that might be: returning to work, education/training etc, creating social connections, reducing social isolation, increasing community cohesion.
Focused upon young people facing significant barriers to employment. These beneficiaries live in areas of multiple deprivation, lack self-esteem and confidence. They have few qualifications and poor understanding of the world of work. Hard to reach, they lack confidence in mainstream organisations and do not seek out learning and employment opportunities.